

The Department of General Science, which was started in 1986, is equipped with committed and highly qualified and experienced staff and has a well equipped laboratory. The department aims to provide a strong foundation in the field of fundamental sciences. Students are provided with the essential tools of analysis and the knowledge of the principles on which engineering is based. The department also strives to instill scientific temper and the spirit of enquiry in students. To encourage students to understand and apply the physical laws to the development of their fields of study, the department offers courses in Engineering Mathematics, Applied Science and English Communication within the engineering curricula.

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Full Name Initial Name Department Name Designation Qualification with Specialization Years of Experience Mobile Number e-mail Id
SHRISHAIL R BIRADAR S R BIRADAR Science and Humanities Lecturer M.A. M. Phil. 16 9480408798
PRAKASH K UMMARAJI P K UMMARAJI Science and Humanities HOD / Programme Coordinator M.phil 16 9480116234
NIRMALA D SOLAPUR N.D. Solapur Science and humanities Lecturer M.Sc., M.Phil. ( Mathematics) 12 9481138792
Basavaraj S Nuchhi B. S. Nuchhi Science and Humanities Lecturer Msc. Mphil. Bed.P. G. D. C. A 14 9449136125 ssmp.
Smt. Sanyavva Pharakanakar Science and Humanities Attender 8867333947